Artificial Intelligence

Failure of Artificial Intelligence

Quotes below taken from:
Peter Kassan, "AI Gone Awry: The Futile Quest for Artificial Intelligence", Skeptic, Vol. 12 No. 2 2006.

"15. As James P. Hogan wrote in Mind Matters: Exploring the World of Artificial Intelligence (1997), “[W]e haven’t really come a long way. …[T]he early AI vision of reproducing all-around humanlike reasoning and perception remains as elusive as ever.” In “When Machines Outsmart Humans,” 2000, Futures, Vol. 35:7, available at, Nick Boostrom, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University, England, wrote: “The annals of artificial intelligence are littered with broken promises. Half a century after the electric computer, we still have nothing that even resembles an intelligent machine, if by ‘intelligent’ we mean possessing the kind of general-purpose smartness that we humans pride ourselves on.” In the “The Complexity Ceiling,” in The Next Fifty Tears (edited by John Brockman, 2002), Jaron Lanier (an eminent computer scientist known for coining the phrase “virtual reality” and for founding VPL Research, probably the first virtual reality company, later acquired by Sun Microsystems—see wrote, “The first fifty years of general computation, which roughly spanned the second half of the twentieth century, were characterized by extravagant swings between giddy overstatement and embarassing near-paralysis. The practice of overstatement continues…. Accompanying the parade of quixotic overstatements of theoretical computer power has been a humiliating and unending sequence of disappointments in the performance of real information systems.”"

"50. As Jerry Fodor wrote in The Mind Doesn’t Work That Way, 2000: “[T]he failure of artificial intelligence to produce successful simulations of routine commonsense cognitive competences is notorious say scandalous.’ For one example of an attempted solution, see McCarthy, John, “Artificial Intelligence, Logic and Formalizing Common Sense,” available at See also the “Open Mind Common Sense” page at and the “Commonsense Computing @ Media” page at"

"63. Guha, R.V., quoted in D. Stipp, “2001 is just around the corner. Where’s Hal?” Fortune, 1995, cited by Deniz Yuret, available at"

"84. See, for example Brooks had expressed this as a two-year goal in Brooks, Rodney, A, “Intelligence without Representation,” 1987, Aryificial Intelligence 47, 1991, available at Quoting Hans Moravec in Robot again: “Today’s best commercial robots are controlled by computers just powerful enough to produce insect-grade behavior.”"

"88. The airplane is every AI advocate’s favorite analogy. As Edward A. Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman wrote in “What Are the Limits of Artificial Intelligence Research?” in Edward A. Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman (eds.), Computers and Thought, 1963: “Today, despite our ignorance, we can point to that biological milestone, the thinking brain, in the same spirit as the scientists many hundreds of years ago pointed to the bird as a demonstration in nature that mechanisms heavier than air could fly.”"